After the Performance of “The Vagina Monologues”
It’s been over a month since my last post in which I wrote about the thoughts I had before performing in “The Vagina Monologues”. Time has passed since that performance and with each day a new perspective is gained. This is the “after”.
So let me start first by saying that it was the scariest and most exhilarating thing I have done in a very long time. I teach and speak on a regular basis but this was the first time I performed memorized lines.To my surprise I actually remembered my lines, spoke them clearly and gave a great performance. Such a rush! I will say that after my performance I did feel my heart pumping so hard that it felt as though I had just climbed Mount Everest and that there was real possibility that I might drop over dead at any second. Yes, that is a bit dramatic but isn’t that what you would expect from a performer? After the show I also experienced a huge rush of endorphins that hit my brain and made me feel as though I had suddenly fallen madly in love with everyone. It’s intoxicating and a feeling that you don’t want to end, ever!. It is so powerful, and I now completely understand why performers end up having relationships, affairs, whirl wind marriages and engagements, etc. I am just warning the world now that if Brad Pitt and I end up performing together in the future we will definitely fall in love. It’s unavoidable.
It has also been a very lovely surprise that several times while I have been out and about someone has recognized me from the show and wanted to share how deeply they were touched by the groups performance. I know personally when I saw the show ten years ago it had a very lasting effect on me as well. I have such profound respect for Eve Ensler, the creator of “The Vagina Monologues” and the “One Billion Rising” campaign. It is really amazing what one woman has accomplished by giving a voice to the stories of other women. I also feel fortunate to live in a country where we can express ourselves unedited in public and perform freely without fear. Freedom of speech is a right we take for granted in the United States. That being said there is still much work to be done for women’s rights an to stop abuse and violence against women. So friends, let’s do something about that!
Since the show I’ve been asked several times if I would do the Vagina Monolgues again, or consider performing in a different production. The answer is unequivocally yes! I have learned so much about myself, gotten over some major fears and insecurities, and most importantly feeling more sure in choosing what adventures I want to give my time and energy to. I am letting myself be open and I’m sure the next opportunity will be just what I need to keep growing and exploring what it is that I am supposed to be doing on this beautiful amazing journey that is my life. One thing I know for sure, it’s going be good!