Weekly Wrap Up June 24, 2016

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Over hereMy head is buzzing with the energy of the past week. The full moon and summer solstice were a powerful combo and I’m guessing you felt it too. I am also fresh from a fantastic vacation in Wyoming and filled with new ideas as creative nudges are coming at me from all directions. It feels like a lot, so I wanted to do a little “wrap up” and share a bit of my week with you.

First  on my list of awesome things that made me happy: Season two of “Odd Mom Out” started this week and if you have not watched it, you must. Jill Kargman and the writers of this series are brilliant and I love, love, love their humor. It’s on the Bravo channel and if you can binge watch season one do it. You will thank me later.

For my fellow writers, when a great book is passed on to me I feel obligated to share.  “2K to 10K” by Rachel Aaron is for the writer who wants to increase their daily word count and like me, actually get something finished! It is a short read and jam packed with great information. I highly recommend it.

Here is the link to purchase. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_9?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=2k+to+10k&sprefix=2k+to+10k%2Caps%2C199

I shared space with several clients this week and one common message came for them, which usually means I need to hear it as well. “Let go of your fear.” Yes, I know it is much easier said than done, but too many of us are stuck because of fear. You can do this in baby steps, but for heaven sakes just get out there and do something! Write your story, sing your song, take the trip, get in touch with an old friend, or give that long overdue apology.  None of it has to be done perfectly, so stop holding back and just do it. 

I have to take my own advice on this one and share my own stories with all of you. I hold my cards pretty close to my chest, and when I do allow others in I feel extremely vulnerable. That is what we all fear the most– No one likes to feel vulnerable. That’s probably why I have written hundreds of blog posts, sat on them and then later deleted them. I didn’t feel like they were good enough and I was held back by my own fear of judgement. There might have been some really fantastic content that is now floating around in the collective consciousness waiting to land on someone else’s page. Not smart on my part, but that my friends is the truth. I’m a work in progress too.

Let me know if you took chance and conquered something you were afraid of. We are all in this together!!



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